The Listenocracy Fund

Making a difference for people who make a difference.

Why give?

  • 3Q Check-ins are a force multiplier — 3Q Managers encourage the best nonprofit employees to stick around longer — and that makes a difference for everyone.

  • 3Practice Circle Referees create safe and fair spaces for the people whose genuine engagement is key to organizational, institutional and community resilience.

  • Humane Resources offers low- and no-cost training to underfunded organizations and institutions … Listenocracy helps us do more, move faster, go farther than we can alone.

  • Most nonprofit leaders are accidental managers … 3Q Check-ins generate high levels of organizational intelligence, alignment and engagement that give them a leg up.

  • In 3Practice world, Open Circles deliver clarity more than agreement. In organizational Solution Circles, that clarity produces better decisions, faster, for underfunded operations.

  • The question was, How can we help you spread these tools to places that need them? The answer is Listenocracy. Pitch in however you can; we’ll take it from there.

Pitch in if you can.


  • Listenocracy was launched by Humane Resources founders Jim Henderson and Jim Hancock as a tax exempt public charity to extend the benefits of 3Practice Circles, 3Q Check-ins, and related public services to communities, organizations, and instutions at the economic margins.

  • Humane Resources trains leaders in a variety of institutions, organizations, agencies and businesses that can afford to pay fees for services.

    Our clients work — off the top of our heads — in the University of California Office of the President, University of California Merced, University of California Davis; Stanford University, University of Southern California, University of Iowa, George Mason Univesity, Clemson University, California Polytechnic State University, Loyola Marymount University, Baylor College of Medicine, University of Texas San Antonio, Louisiana State University, Columbia University, Furman University, Fielding Graduate University, Candler School of Theology at Emory University, the US Marshal’s Office, US Department of Defense, US General Services Administration, United States Air Force; Boston Children’s Hospital, The Salvation Army in the US and Canada, the United Methodist Church, the Anglican Church in North America, the United Nations Office of Refugee Resettlement, the Office of the Achitect of the US Capitol … the list goes on and on.

    We also serve people working in schools, prisons, mom-n-pop nonprofits, and volunteer community organizers, and independent ombudspeople … many of whom can’t afford to pay for training (but sure know what to do once they have it).

    Where we can, we offer low- and no-cost training to folks who can’t afford it.

    Listenocracy extends our capacity beyond what we can fund out of our own pockets by ensuring that we can (a) pay our trainers a modest fee for their services (b) train additional trainers, and (c) soon, we hope, begin training trainers for underfunded leaders in language groups we’re not capable of training.

  • A public charity — an IRS 509(a)(2) organization in our case — must take two thirds of its resources from the public.

    That’s different from other nonprofits … a religious organization, for example, or a relief agency, or a family or business foundation that may fund activities from personal of business wealth.

    We’re required to provide services that members of the public say are worth doing for the common good — and, of course, the way people say that is by pitching in to support those services.

  • We should talk.

    Our IRS status allows for other sorts of tax deductible bequests, devices, transfers and gifts that don’t involve cash.

    Or maybe you have the capacity to offer skills or services that may not make a difference on your tax filings but might make a difference in the world, and wouldn’t that be nice.

    You can reach us at